About me

Before my career as a data analyst, I was a consistent Academic scholar who graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Transportation, where I got Licensed as a Merchant Marine Officer and worked onboard oil-chemical tankers as a Seafarer for almost 3 years.

When the COVID-19 pandemic put that career to a halt, I quickly adapted and acquired new skills, I then started working in the Financial Services industry and Sales for almost 2 years before becoming a Data analyst.

I created several Capstone projects, Studied Statistics, finished the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate, and even completed a Data Science and Business Analytics Internship at The Sparks Foundation.

Currently, I have been working on building projects to further improve my skills and knowledge in SQL, Python, Tableau, Excel, and other tools.

I have also been engaging in physical activities like weightlifting and running as I believe there is a strong positive correlation between physical and mental health.


YouTube Channel

I also have a YouTube Channel where I present and explain the code and key findings of some of my projects with the use of Microsoft SQL Server, Jupyter Notebooks, and Tableau Dashboards

- Instacart dataset analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis - Retail
- Supervised Machine Learning

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel

Top Skills and Tools:

SQL: 9/10

Excel: 8/10

Python: 7.5/10

Statistics: 7.5/10

Tableau: 7/10


You can also click on the images as well, it will automatically open the project in a new tab.

Instacart dataset Analysis

Analyzed the dataset of a popular online grocery delivery service in the US using Microsoft SQL Server and visualized the data using a Tableau Dashboard.

It was a great experience handling this extremely large dataset using SQL.

- 5 tables
- 19 columns
- 34,000,000 + rows

This Capstone Project also has a 10 minute live video presentation posted on YouTube!


Tableau Dashboards

A collection of the Data visualizations and Dashboards I've made for my Capstone Projects using the Business Intelligence tool: Tableau.

I published the following on Tableau Public:
- Instacart dataset analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis - Retail


Exploratory Data Analysis - Retail

In this scenario:
I am a business manager and my job is to find the weak areas we can work on to make more profit.

Exploratory Data Analysis on Python about a Superstore that sells Phones, Copiers, Office Supplies, and Furnitures.(SampleSuperstore.csv)

I also made a three page interactive Dashboard on Tableau. (including the postal codes)

Completed as part of my Data Science Internship at The Sparks Foundation.

This project has a 13 minute video presentation posted on YouTube.


Prediction using Supervised Machine Learning

Developed a supervised machine learning model in Python to predict students' exam scores based on their study hours.

I used Python's Scikit-Learn for this Supervised Machine Learning project
This is a Simple Linear Regression as it only involves 2 variables.

Completed as part of my Data Science Internship at The Sparks Foundation.

This project has an 8 minute video presentation posted on YouTube.


Danny's Diner

Danny wants to use the data to answer a few simple questions about his customers, especially about their visiting patterns, how much money they’ve spent and also which menu items are their favourite.

Having this deeper connection with his customers will help him deliver a better and more personalised experience for his loyal customers.

Was able to practice the following SQL skills:
- Window Functions
- Aggregate Functions
- CTE/Common Table Expressions
- CASE Statements


Pizza Runner

Danny was scrolling through his Instagram feed when something really caught his eye - “80s Retro Styling and Pizza Is The Future!” Danny was sold on the idea, but he knew that pizza alone was not going to help him get seed funding to expand his new Pizza Empire - so he had one more genius idea to combine with it - he was going to Uberize it - and so Pizza Runner was launched!

Danny started by recruiting “runners” to deliver fresh pizza from Pizza Runner Headquarters (otherwise known as Danny’s house) and also maxed out his credit card to pay freelance developers to build a mobile app to accept orders from customers.

Was able to practice Data Cleaning and SQL Queries


Balanced Tree Clothing Co.

Really fulfilling project.

Was able to practice a lot of SQL Queries including several business questions and the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles.


Exploratory Data Analysis: COVID-19

EDA on Python about COVID-19 Cases in the City of Manila, Philippines from 2020-2023.


Analyzing Customer Churn in Excel

For subscription-based businesses, reducing customer churn is a top priority.

In this Excel case study, I investigated a dataset from an example telecom company Databel and analyzed their churn rates.

Analyzing churn doesn’t just mean knowing the churn rate:
it’s also about figuring out why customers are churning at the rate they are and how to reduce churn.

I answered these questions by creating calculated columns and fields, building PivotTables, and creating an eye-catching dashboard.


Bike Sales Dashboard (Excel)

Simple Excel project on Data Cleaning and Dashboard Creation.

- Data Cleaning
- Nested IF Statements
- Pivot tables
- Dashboard creation


Python Projects

Compilation of various small projects I've done with some of my groupmates using Python where I was able to practice using Functions, For and While Loops, and Conditional Statements.

- Simple Loan Calculator
- Palindrome Checker
- Prime Number Checker
- Fibonacci Sequence
- Factorial Calculator



You can also click on the images as well, it will automatically open my LinkedIn on a new tab.

Data Science and Business Analytics Intern

Data Science and Business Analytics Intern at The Sparks Foundation.

Sept 2023 - Sept 2023 (1 Month)

Financial Advisor

Financial Advisor at Sun Life of Canada Philippines Inc.

June 2021 - January 2023 (1 year and 8 months)

Seafarer / Merchant Marine

Seafarer at Stella Marris Shipmanagement/Empire Navigation Inc.

March 2018 - December 2020 (2 years and 10 months)

Academic Student Scholarship Recipient

Academic Excellence Awardee and Consistent Academic scholar at Asian Institute of Maritime Studies.

2015 - 2017 (2 years)


You can also click on the images as well, it will automatically open the Certificate in a new tab.

Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

I've completed the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate!
Throughout this journey, I've acquired some invaluable skills.

I've become proficient in collecting and cleaning data using tools like SQL, Tableau, R, Google Sheets, and Excel. Analyzing data has become second nature to me.

I've also learned how to create compelling data visualizations using Tableau, which is essential for conveying insights effectively, I also worked on a Capstone Project entitled “Cyclistic Bike-Share”.

This accomplishment brings me one step closer to my goal of becoming a Data Analyst, and it perfectly aligns with my interests and career aspirations.

I'm excited to see where this newfound knowledge will take me in my professional journey!



Courses taken:
1. Introduction to SQL
2. Intermediate SQL
3. Joining Data in SQL
4. Data Manipulation in SQL
5. Analyzing Business Data in SQL
6. Reporting in SQL
7. Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
8. Data Preparation in Excel
9. Data Analysis in Excel
10. Cleaning data in SQL Server Databases
11. Analyzing Customer Churn in Excel
12. Understanding Data Engineering

Continuously sharpening the saw.
Improving my skills in SQL, Excel, Python, and Statistics.


Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis

Learned more about:
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inferential Statistics
- Hypothesis Testing
- Regression Analysis


Data Vanguard (Python and SQL Bootcamp)

Learned a lot about Python and SQL from this Bootcamp.

Also made projects about SQL and Python:
- Instacart Dataset Analysis (SQL)
- COVID-19 Cases in the City of Manila